Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I talk a lot about praying uncensored...

I talk a lot about praying uncensored, but I don't really do it. That's what I thought about this week, reading Psalm 83.

The psalmist asks God to kill his enemies. Wow, that's scary, we shouldn't really be praying that. Killing people is bad. But actually, wait. The psalmist is being honest, telling God how he genuinely feels. And that's so important. At least, I always say it is...

But I don't pray much. Why not? I don't know... maybe because I don't get the purpose? Or I don't think I have much worth saying to God? I don't know.

And I know the bible says, over and over, that we're supposed to pray. So that's my challenge for myself: For 7 days, I'll pray uncensored and write it all down in my journal. I'll tell God whatever's on my mind, even though it's not normal prayer stuff.

Well, that's all. This blog post was short, so please enjoy this picture of a pig:

Image source.

This post is part of a link-up on the topic of Psalm 83. To read other people's posts, click here: What are you doing God?


  1. What a great challenge to issue for yourself! I love it. And the picture of the pig, too :)

  2. What a sweet little pig!

    I'm not good at praying... Maybe I should try to challenge myself like you do...


