Thursday, February 28, 2019


1. Why I Don’t Care About Nadia Bolz-Weber’s New Book (posted February 15) "I have talked to several women who can recount a similar experience: we lost faith in the church when no one in leadership believed Julie McMahon, not even the progressives, not even the women."

2. Little, Brown to Publish [Transmisic] Novel That Erases Historical Trans Man (posted February 19) "We face the constant specter that as we are misgendered in life, where we can at least fight against it, so will we be in death, by both the cruel and the well-meaning…as is currently being done to Dr. Barry, when he cannot speak for himself and the protests of others are ignored."

3. Evangelicals Said Having Sex Before Marriage Will Ruin My Life. It Didn’t. (posted February 21) "Oh, and there’s another thing—remaining abstinent before marriage was sold as a way to make your marital sex out of this world. I find it baffling that anyone who has actually had sex could think this." PREACH!

4. The Language Of What Happened To Us (posted February 18) "Another friend who didn’t know she had been raped because she didn’t know what rape was, but knew enough to go to a doctor for an STI check, distraught that she had lost her virginity, and then was told she had been raped."

5. Trump Administration Removes Feminist Protections from Immigrant Policy (posted February 26) "Without legal protections, these women would not be able to leave their husbands without leaving the country. In some cases, these women may have children they would also have to leave, or they may have been in the U.S. for years. A feminist immigration policy recognizes these dynamics and creates protections for these women."

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