Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Take the 2024 Ace Community Survey

Image for the 2024 Ace Community Survey, which has the link for the survey. 

Heyyyyy the Ace Community Survey is open!

The 2024 Ace Community Survey is now open

The Ace Community Survey is run by the Ace Community Survey Team in collaboration with Northwestern University.  It collects valuable information on the demographics and experiences of members in the ace community, including asexual, demisexual, gray-asexual, and related identities.

Click here to take the 2024 Ace Community Survey: 

https://redcap.nubic.northwestern.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=8HDXK4337TPJ8JHP or https://tinyurl.com/AceSurvey2024

The survey is open to anyone: ace, non-ace, or still questioning. As long as you are 15 years of age or older, we want to hear from you! 

You will be able to view any published results from the survey at https://acecommunitysurvey.org. If you would like to receive an automatic email update when new results or announcements are posted, you can subscribe here.

And happy Pride, everyone~

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