Friday, June 14, 2024


Hi readers, so recently I thought to myself "hmm is it strange that nobody has left any comments on my blog recently?" and I JUST REALIZED that actually people ARE commenting on my blog, but the email notifications have all been going to spam, oh my goodness. So sorry that I haven't read and replied to y'all's comments. I really do appreciate getting comments. I am working on going through and reading all the ones I missed.


1. Antichrist Clarification Hotline (June 2, via) "Do I think my governor and both my United States Senators and my representative in my House of Representatives have succumbed to a spirit of antichrist when they tweet calls to prayer and Bible verses and hop on their official government social media accounts to target brave jurors in New York City? I do. I really do."

2. Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery (2022) 1-hour-31-minute youtube video. This is incredible. It's a deep dive into the branding of Disney Channel in the early 2000s. I watched a lot of Disney Channel back then- this is nostalgic and also it's a fascinating look at how history is preserved.

3. "Seldom Typical of Anything": An Ace Reading of Stefan Uccello's Blood Bond with Mercy Thompson (June 10) "Vampire bites resonate with ace experiences through their simultaneous intimacy and asymmetry. In its most classical form, a vampire bite is one-sided: the vampire desires and bites a living person who does not innately reciprocate those desires. This parallels the relationship that some aces have to sex."

4. What Do Google’s AI Answers Cost the Environment? (June 11, via) It's good that people are researching the environmental impact of generative AI and writing articles about it, but also, I don't really have any sense of how significant these things are. 

The article says, "She and her colleagues calculated that the large language model BLOOM emitted greenhouse gases equivalent to 19 kilograms of CO2 per day of use, or the amount generated by driving 49 miles in an average gas-powered car. They also found that generating two images with AI could use as much energy as the average smartphone charge. Others have estimated in research posted on the preprint server that every 10 to 50 responses from ChatGPT running GPT-3 evaporate the equivalent of a bottle of water to cool the AI’s servers." So... is that bad? 19 kg of CO2, is that a lot? I get that having more and more CO2 in the atmosphere is bad because it causes climate change, but is 19 kg a big deal or not?

Same thing with the water for cooling the servers- how much of a big deal is that?

5. What Happens to a Dream Deferred? (June 6) "When did standing up for DACA stop being 'the right thing to do'?" Very concerned about this. I support all immigrants.

6. Supreme Court rejects challenge to abortion pill accessibility (June 13, via) "By a unanimous vote, the court said the anti-abortion doctors who brought the challenge had failed to show they had been harmed, as they do not prescribe the medication, and thus, essentially, had no skin in the game." Good news~

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