Monday, May 27, 2024


1. I’m an ER Doctor. If the Supreme Court Upends EMTALA, Patients Will Die. (April 24, via) "I have treated these cases, and that moment hangs on a knife’s edge. Women can go from stable and bleeding to unstable or dead within minutes. Uninformed anti-choice lawmakers with no medical knowledge are creating these laws. They have not seen what I have seen."

2. DOJ requests judge order Steve Bannon to begin prison sentence (May 14)

3. What is the infected blood scandal and will victims get compensation? (May 22) "More than 30,000 people in the UK were infected with HIV and hepatitis C after being given contaminated blood products in the 1970s and 1980s."

Also this video: Rishi Sunak apologises to infected blood scandal victims: ‘Day of shame for British state’ (May 21) Really well-said.

4. I like this song - God's Own Fool (Christian music from the 1980s)

"So come lose your life for a carpenter's son, for a madman who died for a dream. You'll have the faith his first followers had, and you'll feel the weight of the beam."

5. Google promised a better search experience — now it’s telling us to put glue on our pizza (May 24, via) "The feature, while not triggered for every query, scans the web and drums up an AI-generated response."

6. The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel (May 19) 4-hour-5-minute video. Wow this is really good! Jenny Nicholson talks about her experience at Disney World's Star Wars hotel- which she paid $6000 for, and which has now closed. She has a lot of very good insights about what it could have been, what Disney could have done differently to make it a better experience. Also I love her dry humor.

7. Mysteries do not need to be solvable (May 16) "Usually, Sherlock Holmes would pull some clue out of thin air, that hadn’t been mentioned before; or else there would be an event that led to the mystery being solved. It was unambiguous that most stories were not even trying to be solvable."

8. Journal Club: Emma and Queer Austen (May 22) "We discussed how an ace reading doesn’t necessarily just mean interpreting a character as ace, it could also mean seeing a celibate character, and understanding that celibacy is not a bad thing."

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