Thursday, April 6, 2023


1. ASCII art by chatbot (March 31) "The use of slashes and backslashes to represent the shape of the shark is effective, and the bold letter 'O' for the eye is a nice touch. The overall composition feels well-balanced and the shark's menacing presence is conveyed effectively." I laughed SO HARD.

2. Sharing Space - Episode 1: Daniel Radcliffe (April 1) "The first episode of 'Sharing Space' features six trans and nonbinary young people who sit down with Radcliffe to have a candid, vulnerable, and illuminating conversation about their unique lived experiences."

3. The swagged-out pope is an AI fake — and an early glimpse of a new reality (March 27) I saw that image shared on Twitter- the pope in a giant puffy white coat- and I thought it was real. A few days later, I saw a comment online that said it was AI-generated. Yeah, it's not real.

4. Solitary Confinement: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (April 3) "Solitary isn't something we do to people behind bars. It's something we do to them forever." Having flashbacks to the Shanghai lockdown now- and wow, obviously solitary confinement is even worse than that.

5. Heaven’s ATM: How Chinese People Have Been Sending Money to the Afterlife For Centuries (April 4) "In rural China, these forms of ghost money are still in use today as people continue to wish their deceased loved ones a good life that is free from hunger and cold in an underworld with sky-high inflation."

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