Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Donating to Charity

A jar of coins labelled "Charity." Image source.

Hi everyone, the holiday season is over and it's a new year, so I thought now would be a good time to think about my budget and things, and how much money I'm giving to charity. I want to write about it because this is a good thing to do, and if you're financially able, you should donate money to other people who need it.

Here's basically what I do: I think about what societal issues are important to me, and find a charity that is doing effective work in those areas, and set up a recurring donation for $10/month. Do this for a bunch of charities in different areas. My hope is that every year when I kind of look at my income and how much I can afford to give, I'll be able to add more charities to my list.

I think recurring donations are a super good idea! Sometimes life is busy, and I like how my responsibility to donate money to help society will keep reliably happening even if I don't have time to think about it.

Sooooooooo, yeah that's it. Not a very long or exciting blog post, but it's a good thing to do, if you're in a financial situation where $10/month is no big deal. Set up the recurring donation so it happens automatically.

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