Thursday, August 8, 2019


Adult dolphin and baby dolphin. Image source.
1. Why We Shouldn’t Build the 30-Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea (posted July) "Oh, the fourth reason why it was so good is because America 'owned' it, in that we invaded a sovereign kingdom, set up permanent military bases, created a coup, and annexed it against the will of the people 60 years prior, and then made it an official state a few years prior to the scientific 'discovery' of Mauna Kea."

2. 2 countries issued travel warnings about the United States after a weekend of mass shootings (posted August 6) Uruguay and Venezuela.

3. Iraqi man dies after Trump administration deports him (posted August 7)

4. Why Did Target Stop Selling a Popular “Humanist” Throw Pillow? (posted July 31) "You can’t buy it even if you want to hand them all your money. There’s no explanation — or even an acknowledgment that the product ever existed."

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