Wednesday, August 28, 2024


1. From xkcd we have Storage Tanks and Classical Periodic Table, lollllllll

2. In Black Myth: Wukong, China Sees a Game That Could Change Everything (August 21)

3. Trump promotes family’s new crypto platform, ‘The Defiant Ones’ (August 22) Well this sounds like a scam.

4. JD Vance Jizz Cups & the Death of Fact Checking (August 22) "I expected technology to change, for fakes to get harder to detect but also for bullshit detection tools to get better, but I didn’t anticipate what actually seems to have happened: fakes are now harder to detect and the bullshit detection tools have simply disappeared."

Don't believe everything you see on social media! And, related to that, I often see people on social media talking about "Republicans are saying [some weird thing]" and people make jokes to mock the supposed Republicans who are saying this, and it keeps going and takes on a life of its own- but, uh, were there really Republicans saying that in the first place? Maybe it was just 1 weirdo on the internet, not a widespread idea shared by most Republicans. Be careful about believing things like that without fact-checking.

At the same time, though, voting for Trump *is* a widespread Republican thing, and that's shocking and extremist and deserving of mockery.

5. Answers in Genesis’ Misleading Claims (Lies) About Mammals and Dinosaurs (August 8) "In each case, they’re taking fossils of extinct animals that share some superficial similarities with modern creatures and presenting them as if they were identical to today’s species. This is not just a misunderstanding – it’s a misrepresentation of scientific findings."

6. DHS watchdog warns of 'urgent issue' after immigration officials allegedly lose track of unaccompanied children (August 20) "He urged ICE to 'take immediate action to ensure the safety of [unaccompanied children] residing in the United States.'"

7. Are You Caught in the FOG(C) of Coercive Control? (August 23) "The partner who is being controlled frequently becomes adept at rationalizing and justifying the harmful behaviour because they understand, often unconsciously, what it takes to minimize the risk of their partner lashing out at them."

8. World-first lung cancer vaccine trials launched across seven countries (August 23, via) This is great!

9. ‘Exactly where you don’t want to look’ (August 26) "I shouldn’t know who Kate Cox is. I absolutely should not know the most intimate details of her family, her personal life, and the health of her uterus. But I do. We all do. We all know all about all of that because the state government of Texas insisted on making her personal life and health a very public matter of state policy, state decision-making, and state interference." 

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