Friday, November 17, 2023


1. Tumblr is downscaling after failing to ‘turn around’ the site (November 10, via) On Pillowfort I've been seeing a LOT of new members who have migrated from Tumblr. Looks like Tumblr might shut down, but we don't really know yet.

2. Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (November 13) Wow, John Oliver does a very good job with this.

3. Inside the Mind of one Evangelical Republican Voter (November 13) "She does not believe that she can or should try to change the world or to fix broken systems—anything larger than what she can personally control is God’s domain. She wouldn’t use this analogy, but she acts more or less a first-person video-game character for whom all of life is a series of tests created by the Game Designer for her to personally pass or fail."

4. One in three (November 10) "Generations of relentless teaching have made it clear that any expression of this belief is not acceptable in those communities and that support for criminalizing abortion is mandatory dogma for all white evangelicals and all American Catholics. And yet none of that aggressive, constant, emphatic propaganda has altered those consistent poll results."

5. Stereotypes & media about Black masculinity made it harder to come out as asexual (October 27, via) "In another instance, I was told by one person that I would probably be really good in bed, because I’m Black. It didn’t matter whether or not I even wanted to have sex. In their minds, I was only a sexual object due to my Blackness."

6. Minnesotans detest our state flag (November 9) "The state is currently accepting submissions for redesigns, and you can view all 2,123 online. Yikes."

7. Journal Club: Heteronormativity Theory of Low Sexual Desire (November 15) "The paper very vehemently argues against biomedical treatments, lamenting how people still believe them despite the evidence going against them."

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