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Dog using a laptop. Image source. |
Hi readers! It is now 2023, so it's time for the roundup of my top posts for 2022.
Top 6 posts by pageviews:
1. On Gynecologists and Angry Turtles. "And if you can't get 2 fingers in, and also you don't have access to lube, and you're about to go to your first gynecologist appointment and I've made you super-nervous about it, well... sorry I guess? Sorry we live in a world where girls who don't even have access to lube are expected to just let other people stick things in their vagina. Like you don't even own your body, but someone else does."
2. Wow, the Anti-China Bias in Western News Media. "CNN reads like 'this shows that 'zero covid' is BAD, everyone hates it, China should stop.' Sixth Tone reads like 'nobody is questioning the 'zero covid' strategy. But we all agree that Xi'an is doing a terrible job of it.'" I wrote this before the Shanghai lockdown, actually, and I wouldn't write it the same way now. But yes, I am still very much NOT IMPRESSED with how CNN and other western news sources reported on zero-covid. They really did not give a good picture of what's actually going on in China. They seemed to start with idea that the Chinese government is evil and doing everything wrong, and every single news story needed to be tied back to that.
3. Someday Dave Ramsey will have to stand before God and explain why he fired a pregnant woman. "Here, everyone, let's turn in our bibles to Genesis 38 and read the story of Onan. A story that everyone thinks is about making rules about sex, but is actually about cutting vulnerable people off from their source of income."
4. I Guess I Shouldn't Be Surprised How Fast Omicron is Spreading in China. "I could scroll through my WeChat right now and probably find 50 covid-positive people. This thing is EVERYWHERE." This was right after the zero-covid policy ended. (December 2022)
5. 2 Wrong Ways to Write Bible Stories For Kids. "Or, alternatively, the writers of the children's books don't remove the ****ed-up parts, but they don't comment on how ****ed-up they are. They just say 'and then God commanded Joshua to kill all the Canaanites' and then continue with the story like everything's fine. WTF????? You want to teach your kid to not even notice when a story has genocide in it???????"
6. "Come As You Are" is helpful I guess but not for me. "My main experience reading this book was being completely mystified, wondering what exactly the problem is that Nagoski is even trying to solve. Women, uh, want to have sex more? Okay, then have sex more? Oh but they don't want to. Uh, okay, then don't have sex?"
And 8 more posts I recommend:
7. Well, the biggest thing that happened this year was the Shanghai lockdown. It was BAD. I'm not going to go through all my lockdown posts and pick out some highlights to share here, because I don't have the emotional bandwidth for that, it was so bad, you guys. We were locked down for 2 and a half months (March 16 to May 31). I'll link the post that has the list of all my lockdown posts: Index of Posts About the March 2022 Shanghai Covid Outbreak. It was bad, it was so bad, you guys.
And I wrote a LOT of covid posts in 2022, and got feedback from readers who really appreciated having my perspective on what it's really like in China (thanks!) but also, ughh I wish I didn't have to blog about covid all the time.
8. Mary's Choice. A bible fanfic where the angel Gabriel first appears to another woman, Susanna, to tell her she will give birth to Jesus, but she says no, so the angel goes to Mary instead.
9. "For Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers". "The idea that Jesus was describing the human consequences of this disaster, and how, practically speaking, those consequences fall on vulnerable members of society moreso than others. I don't know if I had ever heard that before."
10. In Some Alternate Universe, I'm Writing a Post About Masks and "Causing to Stumble". "It was all fake. All that stuff about loving your neighbor. All that stuff about following what the bible says even if it's hard. All the stuff that I took to heart and I thought my Christian role models did too."
11. "Moon Knight" and Boundaries With God. "After that, I decided I will never have a 'personal relationship with' a god again. I will never worship again."
12. I Would Love to Know If God Intervened to Stop Covid From Spreading in Churches. "Could it be that God intervened at church services to make it less likely for covid to spread there, compared to other in-person events with similar levels of social distancing, mask-wearing, etc? I am SUPER-INTERESTED to hear about any data on that."
13. Sure Of What We Hope For. This is my "I believe in resurrection" post.
14. "The Only Moral Virgin Birth Is My Virgin Birth". "The way I read it is, Mary didn't try to tell Joseph the truth. She didn't give him the chance to believe her or not, because the idea of exposing her whole complicated traumatic personal life to him and then not being believed was just too awful."
Those are my top posts for 2022. Readers, as always I am interested to hear about what kinds of posts you like and want to see more of. I have a whole ton of stuff in my drafts. So many ideas. Looking forward to another year of blogging~
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