Thursday, May 30, 2019


Two women in Taiwan who just got married now that Taiwan has legalized same-sex marriage. Image source.
1. Georgia: Embryos in a woman are legal persons; Embryos in a petri dish are not (posted May 23) "I find that highly, highly odd."

2. After years of fierce debate, Taiwan celebrates the first same-sex weddings in Asia (posted May 24)

3. How Hollywood Can Resist Georgia’s Abortion Ban Without Hurting Black And Brown People In The Process (posted May 23) "So if Hollywood eliminates $4.6 billion in wages, affecting not only production workers, but waitresses, Uber drivers, small business owners, etc., ask yourself, who takes the hit the hardest?"

4. LBCF, No. 234: ‘The logic of Hell’ (posted May 3) "I suppose you think keeping a clean personnel file and having people not awkwardly avoiding you all the time is somehow more important than that. Monster." Well AMEN to this entire post. (And I laughed so hard at "also known as the Reverse Philip," I think my husband is concerned about me.)

5. Kamala Harris wants public defenders to get paid as much as prosecutors (posted May 17) "'This is a good step to elevating the issue. The right to counsel is often on the back-burner when it comes to federal conversations about criminal justice reform,' [ACLU senior legislative counsel Kanya Bennett] says."

6. China embraced gay ‘marriage’ long before Taiwan’s law. The West perverted history (posted May 26) Yepppp.

7. Epic Christian Fails: Arky Arky Awkwardness (posted May 28) Oh Answers in Genesis.

8. Noah did everything just as God commanded him (posted May 28) "But this is the Ark Encounter. The entire thing is built around the idea of a massive global flood. For the Ark Encounter to be built with so little thought to something like water erosion—recall how close this access road is to the Ark itself—feels highly ironic, to say the least."

9. And my 2019 Reader Survey is open until June 1~ If you haven't done it yet, go over and take it. I really appreciate everyone's feedback.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019


1. Taiwan gay marriage: Parliament legalises same-sex unions (posted May 17) Hooray!

2.  Why the Guardian is changing the language it uses about the environment (posted May 17) "The phrase ‘climate change’, for example, sounds rather passive and gentle when what scientists are talking about is a catastrophe for humanity."

3. The 2019 Reader Survey is still open~ Will be open until June 1~

Monday, May 20, 2019

Let's Donate for Abortion Access

A protester dressed as a Handmaid, holding a sign that says "Trust Women." Image source.
Some disturbing news this past week from Georgia and Alabama:
Georgia governor signs ‘heartbeat bill,’ giving the state one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation
Alabama Senate passes nation’s most restrictive abortion ban, which makes no exceptions for victims of rape and incest

IMPORTANT: These laws have not taken effect yet. Abortion is still legal in Alabama and Georgia, despite new abortion bans

Anyway... I'm 100% pro-choice, because I believe it's a complicated thing, the question of how much value to put on an embryo/fetus's life, weighing that against the physical/emotional/financial toll pregnancy takes on a person, and so there can't be a one-size-fits-all policy for it. It has to be the pregnant person's choice. Nobody else understands the situation; nobody else is qualified to make that choice. (Certainly, a group of cis men who aren't really sure how pregnancy even works are NOT qualified to make that choice.)

(If you want to read a huge long post with all my reasoning for being pro-choice, well you're in luck, click here: Why I Am Pro-Choice.)

In light of the news from Georgia and Alabama, I'm wondering what I can do to help. I've decided to donate to an organization that helps people access abortion. If you have money then I suggest you donate $25- that's $1 for each of the men in Alabama's senate who voted for that law.

Here are a few you could donate to:

If you're able, please donate to one of these. This is important. And call your elected officials. And vote.


Why I Am Pro-Choice

Thursday, May 16, 2019


1. “Am I a bad person?” Why one mom didn’t take her kid to the ER — even after poison control said to. (posted May 10) "But make no mistake: Rationing is happening here in the United States; it just happens more quietly. It happens when 11 percent of Americans don’t take their prescription drugs as directed by their doctor in order to save money."

2. You don’t need to tell me you don’t agree (posted 2015) "If we are honest with ourselves, adding the phrase is a form of social insurance."

3. Avengers Endgame Shows Us The Five Stages Of Grief (posted May 9) [content note: spoilers for "Avengers: Endgame"] "Each of the original six Avengers seems to find themself at the beginning of this movie very securely in one stage of the grieving process."

4. The Life of “Be”: Remembering Warren Wiersbe (posted May 3) Warren Wiersbe has died. I read all of his "Be..." bible commentaries, back in the day.

5. ’Arthur’s Mr. Ratburn Is Gay and He Just Got Married (posted May 13) This is great!

6. What is the opposite of guacamole? (posted May 10) Some abominations created by a neural net.

7. How “Stranger Danger” Hurts Kids (posted 2014) "Most people are good, and this means that most strangers are good. "

8. And the 2019 Reader Survey is still open! (Will be open until June 1-ish.) Go over and take it if you haven't yet. :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Link Roundup of Posts Honoring Rachel Held Evans

Artwork of Rachel Held Evans with a halo like a saint. Image source.
Over the past week and a half, we have been grieving for Rachel Held Evans. Many of us have written posts to honor her and talk about the impact she had on the church and on our lives. I'm gathering as many of those posts as I can here. If you wrote a post for her, send me your link.

Two posts from me (Perfect Number):
She was the first (Thank you, Rachel)
#BecauseOfRHE (Tweet Roundup)

And here's my giant link roundup:

How Rachel Held Evans really should be remembered (Sarah Bessey and Jeff Chu)
Remembering Progressive Christian Author Rachel Held Evans (Sarah Bessey)
Remembering a woman of valor: 4 gifts Rachel Held Evans gave us (Katelyn Beaty) [same article appears at this link too. and here.]
Because of Rachel Held Evans: More female pastors, more diverse writers and more Christians embracing their faith (Julie Zauzmer)
Rachel Held Evans Inspired Women To Step Boldly Into Our Own Place (Alexandria Beightol)
Tributes Pour In For Rachel Held Evans, A Beacon For Progressive Christianity (Carol Kuruvilla)
Faith Leaders React to Rachel Held Evans’ Death Over the Weekend (Relevant Magazine)
A Sampling of the Tributes for Rachel Held Evans (Paul Wilkinson)
Excerpt from Inspired by Rachel Held Evans: If Love Can Look Like Genocide (Paul Wilkinson)
Why Christian author Rachel Held Evans touched so many people, in life and now in death (Duane W. Gang)
The Radically Inclusive Christianity of Rachel Held Evans (Eliza Griswold)
The doors that Rachel Held Evans wedged open (Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans)
Rest in peace, Rachel Held Evans (Jana Riess)
Rachel Held Evans: A True Ally (Emily Swan)
Rachel Held Evans, popular Christian writer, dies at 37 (Amir Vera)
Why Rachel Held Evans Meant So Much To So Many (Laura Turner)
Rachel Held Evans showed us how to hold the church door open for others (Cathleen Falsani)
Remembering Rachel Held Evans: a love note (Elizabeth Esther)
The Overwhelming Loss and Legacy of Rachel Held Evans (Jim Wallis)
Rachel Held Evans and the Democratization of Theology (Morgan Guyton)
Rachel Held Evans Taught Us to Question Faith & Love Big (Rozella Haydée White)
Rachel Held Evans, the Hugely Popular Christian Writer Who Challenged the Evangelical Establishment, Is Dead at 37 (Ruth Graham)
Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Ed Cyzewski)
How progressive Christian blogger Rachel Held Evans changed everything (Kate Shellnutt)
Alabamians, world remember Christian author Rachel Held Evans (Abbey Crain)
Rachel Held Evans' death is a poignant reminder of how to live (Nicole Russell)
Rachel Held Evans is with Jesus (Adrian Warnock)
“I’m Here Because of Her:” Rachel Held Evans (Laura Jean Truman)
Because she was not angry, we could be (Eve Ettinger)
Our Rachel. (Austin Channing Brown)
Carry on (Fred Clark)
#BecauseOfRHE (Kathy Escobar)
Mihee Kim-Kort: Rachel Held Evans' ministry was to encourage and guide other Christian voices (Mihee Kim-Kort)
Rachel Held Evans Knew There Was Always Room for More In the Church (Tyler Huckabee)
We Love You, Rachel (Tori Williams Douglass)
Publishing Industry Mourns the Death of Rachel Held Evans (Emma Wenner)
Many women say Rachel Held Evans is the reason they are a pastor, writer or have embraced their Christian faith (The Lily News)
'Without her, I feel scared': The sudden death of spiritual writer Rachel Held Evans is a devastating jolt (Heidi Stevens)
Rachel Held Evans: Remembering a 'torchbearer,' an 'arsonist,' a 'prophet with a pen' (Jonathan Merritt)
Church Windows: Because of Rachel Held Evans. (Kimberly Stover)
Rachel Held Evans and the Future of Evangelicalism (John Hawthorne)
How Rachel Held Evans Taught Me to Color Outside the Lines (Cara Meredith)
The Beauty of this Choir (Thanks Again, RHE) (Cara Meredith)
Unlikely Pulpits: The Legacy of Rachel Held Evans (Erin Wathen)
Rachel (Richard Beck)
A Day with Rachel Held Evans (Christy Mesaros-Winckles)
Rachel Held Evans (1981-2019): Asking Questions of Our Faith (Jim Stump)
A thing or two about the way out of the grave (John Thornton Jr.)
On the Death of Rachel Held Evans (April)
My faith makes space for this. I wish it didn’t. (Emmy Kegler)
Rachel Held Evans, Hero to Christian Misfits (Emma Green)
Rachel Held Evans, progressive Christian author who challenged evangelicals, dies at 37 (Sarah Pulliam Bailey)
Remembering Rachel (Carol Howard Merritt)
The Literary Legacy of Rachel Held Evans (Karissa Knox Sorrell)
Rachel Held Evans, Voice of the Wandering Evangelical, Dies at 37 (Elizabeth Dias and Sam Roberts)
Fellow writers, fans shocked and saddened by death of Christian writer Rachel Held Evans (Holly Meyer) [same article appears at this link too]
Rachel Held Evans, Christian writer of honesty and humor, dies at age 37 (Emily McFarlan Miller)
Adventists Reflect on the Life and Ministry of Rachel Held Evans (Spectrum Magazine)
Thank you, Rachel Held Evans, for helping me find my voice (Cheryl)
Psalm for Second-Hand Grief (Addie Zierman)
Psalm for a Medically Induced Coma (For Rachel Held Evans) (Addie Zierman)
Progressive Christian Author Rachel Held Evans Has Died at 37 (Hemant Mehta)
What Work Will Be Your Legacy? A Final Lesson from Rachel Held Evans (M. L. Clark)
Rachel Held Evans (June 8, 1981-May 4, 2019) (Phil Fox Rose)
The Legacy of Rachel Held Evans (Chris Gehrz)
Rachel Held Evans, Christian Writer Who Questioned Evangelical Beliefs, Dies At 37 (Francesca Paris)
Because of Rachel (Bree Morel)
A Lament for Rachel Held Evans (Stina Kielsmeier-Cook)
Grieving and Celebrating Rachel Held Evans (Becky Castle Miller)
Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Young Clergy Women International)
Speaking My Language: A Reflection on Rachel Held Evans (Zachary Horner)
Rachel Held Evans: A Remembrance (David C. Cramer)
I Remember Her as a Young Miriam (Kelley Nikondeha)
Woman of Valor: Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Mimi Haddad)
‘A Better Ally Didn’t Exist.’ Jen Hatmaker Remembers the Generosity of Rachel Held Evans (Jen Hatmaker)
For the love of faith groundbreakers: a special tribute (Jen Hatmaker)
Why the Sadness Won’t Go Away: A Tribute to Rachel Held Evans (Susan Cottrell)
Fishing Upside Down: A Remembrance Of and Tribute to Rachel Held Evans (Ben Williams)
The Wisdom of Rachel Held Evans (Jim Meisner Jr.)
More Wisdom from Rachel Held Evans (Jim Meisner Jr.)
RIP Rachel Held Evans, Eshet Chayil (James F. McGrath)
Rachel Held Evans (Vanderwall Funeral Home)
RIP RHE (David Hayward)
Remembering a Woman of Valor (Women in Theology)
As a Gay Southern Christian, Rachel Held Evans Was My Lifeline  (Sheldon Rogers)
Daddy, Is Your Friend Going To Come Back Alive Again? (Zack Hunt)
Rachel Held Evans Changed the World (Libby Anne)
Reflecting on Rachel: Why She Mattered (Ed Stetzer)
In Honor of Rachel Held Evans (Vance Morgan)
Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Emily Richardson)
Because of RHE (Krysti Wilkinson)
Our Prayer for Rachel Held Evans (Scot McKnight)
Reflections on Rachel Held Evans (The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana)
For Rachel: From A Regular Person (Allison)
#becauseofRHE (Catherine Godek)
Remembering Rachel: A hopeful voice on the road of faith and change (Greta Yeoman)
An overdue letter to Rachel Held Evans (Ben Wideman)
The Measure of a Hero (Jody Rae)
A Legacy of Generosity: In Memory of Rachel Held Evans (Michelle DeRusha)
When Death Comes Too Soon (Karen)
Why Did Rachel Have to Leave? (A Phoenix in Oxford)
A messy little memorial for Rachel Held Evans (Bekah)
about rachel and two trees (Preston Yancey)
Dear Rachel (Summer Wiggleston)
Author’s Notes: Honoring Rachel Held Evans (Dana VanderLugt)
Rachel Held Evans, A Tribute (Christi Playford)
Rachel Held Evans: A voice crying in my wilderness (David M. Williams)
eishet chayil (Victoria)
Because of Rachel (Katie Noah Gibson)
Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Melissa Meyers)
because of Rachel Held Evans (Carrie Surbaugh)
Rachel Held Evans: Her Impact and Influence (Farm Fresh Jessica)
What Rachel Held Evans Meant to Me (CJ Dawn)
Your One Wild and Precious Life (maryloudrieger)
Why Seminary? (FrauCarini)
Tribute to Rachel Held Evans (Harry Colegrove)
This Mother’s Day, We Grieve a Matriarch Who Birthed Community for Doubt-Filled Believers (J. Dana Trent)
Community (brown and pink polkadot)
Three Sisters Respond to Losing Rachel Held Evans (Rachel Pieh Jones)
Because of RHE (a. k. b.)
#becauseofRHE (Janice Gutierrez)
Rachel Held Evans, 37 (Mike Rumley-Wells)
A few more thoughts on Life, Death, RHE, and where I go from here (Mike Rumley-Wells)
Curing vs Healing (Andrew Frey)
Hoping for Something to Hope For #BecauseOfRHE (Matchless Marie)
Even Here In The Dark: The Love and Loss of Rachel Held Evans (Emma Catherine Morrison)
Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Diana Butler Bass on the Interfaith Voices podcast)
Permission to breathe: #BecauseofRHE (Claire)
Loving With Valor: The Legacy of Rachel Held Evans (Stephanie McCown)
The Dark (Sarah Keeler)
Why Rachel Held Evans Matters to Me (Rachel Burgin)
What Would Jesus Pod? Ep 41: “Being Homeless in America: Stigma, Criminalization and Kindness. Also a Tribute to Rachel Held Evans” (Christian Democrats of America)
Commemorating Rachel Held Evans (The Nuanced Life)
Episode 30 - Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Riverfront Church Podcast)
Personal Jesus: The Dangers Of A Systematic Faith (David Meldrum)
Because of R.H.E. (Alexis James Waggoner)
Rachel Held Evans—An Amazing Person (John Manzo)
Regrets... (John A Hill)
Reclaiming My Voice (Jonathan Benz)
You Can Have My Heart if You Don't Mind Broken Things (Robin Bartlett)
"...and if you like your gender roles, you can keep them!" (Addyson Garner)
Poema S5 013 | Rachel Held Evans, Woman Of Valor - In Remembrance & Grief (Poema Podcast)
Episode 13: Collective Grief & Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Misfits & Mystics Podcast)
A grief observed… online (Nathan Campbell)
Unqualified Condolence (Joshua McNall)
My Favorite RHE Book–Searching for Sunday (Jill M. Richardson)
Grieving for Rachel Held Evans (Ashley M. Wilcox)
Sermon 5-5-19, Easter 3C, Rachel Held Evans (Kerlin Richter)
Rachel Held Evans, In Memoriam: A Voice of #AssertiveSpirituality (DS Leiter)
How to Grieve Well: A Special Conversation (Kate Bowler)
When Resurrection Comes To Twitter (Julia Penner-Zook)
The Digital Columbarium: Rachel Held Evans and the Electronic Afterlife (Presley Thomas)
RHE and Me (Sabrina Peters)
Standing Hand in Hand and Learning to be Woman of Valor (A Gringa in Saint Joseph of the Fields)
Rachel Held Evans Tribute (Not Many of You Should Become Teachers)
In Honor of Rachel Held Evans (Irreverent Reverend)
Contemplating the loss of Rachel Held Evans (Jonathan Woodward) [also at this link]
Rachel Held Evans Tribute (Peacing It All Together)
The Progressive Critic Inside the Church (Mary Harris)
15: Remembering the Humor of Rachel Held Evans (Deconversion Therapy)
#TreatYoShelf: 05/09/19 (Dan Masterton)
Hummingbird: For Rachel Held Evans (D. L. Mayfield)
Womb of God (Susan)
Christianity Today and its Ironic Tribute to Rachel Held Evans (Randal Rauser)
If RHE Is In Hell, I Guess I’ll Just Have To Go There, Too (Jonathan Aigner)
Remembering Rachel Held Evans (Zac Davis)
Rachel Held Grace (Grieving the Loss of Rachel Held Evans) (Matt Bays)
The last written words of Rachel Held Evans (Michael Thorn)
Rachel Held Evans, Christian author who challenged evangelicals, has died at 37 (Mark Sumner)
Jean Vanier / Rachel Held Evans [In Memoriam] (Englewood Review of Books)
Saint Rachel and Me (Jordan Robert Magill)
Tributes paid to best-selling Christian author and blogger Rachel Held Evans (Ed Thornton)
Popular Christian Author Rachel Held Evans Dead at Age 37 (Kate Scott)
Rachel Held Evans dies at 37 (Kylie Beach)
Remembering Rachel Held Evans: Quotes on Faith, God and the Church From the Progressive Christian Writer (Donica Phifer)
Reflecting on the Life of Rachel Held Evans June 8, 1981 – May 4, 2019 (Wondering Eagle)
Christian Writer Rachel Held Evans on Being Political (Wondering Eagle)
Obituary: Rachel Held Evans (Emily Zanotti)
Reading The Bible Creatively (Pete Enns)
In Rachel’s words (Kelly Wilson)
Funeral for Rachel (Daniel Evans)
The Legacy of Rachel Held Evans (Elizabeth Dias)
While It Was Still Dark: A Requiem for Rachel Held Evans (Nadia Bolz-Weber)
Rachel Held Evans and a Whole Climate of Opinion (Kenji Kuramitsu)
How Rachel Held Evans Helped Me Lose My Faith - And Why I Think She'd Be OK With It (Connie Winch)
She gave me permission (Missy Hunsberger)
The Legacy of Rachel Held Evans (Wild Witch Woman)

Another site that's also collecting tons of posts for her: Because of R.H.E. This is organized by TJ Luoma, and I'd like to thank him for doing it. I copied some of these links from his site and I want to give him credit for doing the work of finding them.


If the link in the above tweet doesn't work, click here to go to the gofundme.


If you have posted a blog post/ youtube video/ whatever to honor Rachel, leave a comment with the link and I will add it to this post.

Monday, May 13, 2019

She was the first (Thank you, Rachel)

Photo of Rachel Held Evans. Image source.
I first started reading Rachel Held Evans's blog sometime around 2010. I remember thinking, "Wait, so, is she a Christian or not?" She confused and fascinated me, because I was a good evangelical and I had never heard anyone talk the way she did. And I couldn't stop reading.

I said, "She's asking the questions we all wanted to ask but didn't know how."

Before this, I knew how to categorize people. Real Christians, fake Christians, and non-Christians. The real Christians all had to adhere to a certain set of beliefs, because those were the things the bible clearly said. The fake Christians, I could tell because they would say things like "I believe God wants me to be happy" and I knew the correct Christian answers to why that wasn't true, why that was a wishy-washy liberal morally-relativistic feel-good [all of these are bad words, to an evangelical] distortion of Christianity. And non-Christians, well obviously I can identify them because they tell me they believe something else that's not Christianity.

But Rachel I couldn't put into any of these categories. She knew how to talk like an evangelical. She knew the bible. She knew all the correct apologetics answers. But she said things that "real Christians" weren't allowed to say. She questioned the "correct answers." She knew all the reasons that, apparently, God has to send most people to hell, and women have to submit to men, and gay people should just try harder to be straight, but she said "wait, isn't that terrible?" (But she said it in much better words than that.) Because she had a heart. She had compassion. So she studied more, studied the bible, ancient Roman culture, the history of American evangelicals' hermeneutic. She wrote about it on her blog, in a way that was accessible for a broad audience. She reviewed books. She interviewed experts. And she showed us it's just not true that "the bible is clear."

She was the first. She was the first one I ever heard suggest that "the bible is clear" is not true. Before this, I thought that good Christians believe all the correct things the bible clearly says, and bad Christians reject some of those things because they don't trust God enough, or have some shady motives like "putting your emotions above God's word." She was the first to show me there are other ways to be a Christian.

I particularly remember this post she published in 2013: Is abolition "biblical"? It was about the striking similarities between biblical arguments over slavery 150 years ago and over LGBTQ rights now. The pro-slavery side accused abolitionists of abandoning God's word and being carried away by their unreliable emotions... which sounds very familiar to those of us who have argued with Christians about LGBTQ rights.

And her "Ask A..." series, where she would bring in a guest from some specific group (ask an atheist, ask a gay Christian, etc) and they would answer questions. Just allowing someone who's different from me to have the space to explain, in their own words, who they are and what they value... and just listening. That was all new to me. Before, when I was a good evangelical, everything was stereotypes and strawmen. We knew that non-Christians all "have a God-shaped hole in their heart." We knew that Christianity was unique among all religions because those other religions are about how to earn one's way to heaven, but in Christianity Jesus already did the work and we just have to "have a personal relationship" with him. How did I know those things, back when I was a good evangelical? Why, because other Christians told me, of course! Did we ever actually ask a real live non-Christian what they actually believed? Nope! (Or rather, to the extent that we did, it was only so we could better tailor our evangelism efforts. We didn't listen because we cared; we listened because we wanted to convince them to change.)

All I knew about people outside the "real Christian" category was whatever biased, dehumanizing stereotypes the "real Christians" told me. And I never even realized how wrong that was. Rachel was the first person to show me that loving people means actually listening to them.

(And I don't believe in judging who is a "real Christian" or a "fake Christian" anymore.)

In 2012, I was thinking about starting my own blog. Because I wanted to ask questions too, like Rachel. I wanted to be honest about some of the messed-up stories we find in the bible. I wanted the freedom to say I don't agree with the "correct" Christian answers. (But at the same time, I saw how Rachel responded to criticism on her blog, and I thought, "no, I can't start a blog, because I could never be as kind as she is.") Well, as you might have noticed, I DID start a blog, and now here we are.

And I've come so far and changed so much since then. I'd like to thank Rachel for her impact on my life all those years ago. Because she was the first to show me it's okay to not believe all the "correct Christian answers."


#BecauseOfRHE (Tweet Roundup) 
Link Roundup of Posts Honoring Rachel Held Evans
Modifying My Faith Because of Doubt

Thursday, May 9, 2019


1. The Final Scene of Avengers: Endgame Is More Than Worthy (posted May 1) [content note: spoilers for "Avengers: Endgame"] About Captain America.

2. Hell is a slander against God, and against the victims of evil (posted April 2) "But note what doesn’t happen in this story. Jesus does not pursue the money-changers out into the streets and start beating them until every drop of blood drawn by their usury is repaid by another drawn by his whip."

3. This Woman Couldn’t Tell Her Parents Why She Nearly Died Because of Their Faith (posted May 5)

4. Marvel Movies ranked by if there are trains in them (posted May 6) "Iron Man 2- -100/10. No trains, negative 100 points for a cameo by train-hater Elon Musk"

5. Porn Causes Depression … But Only When People Believe It’s Sinful (posted May 7) "I remember the moment I came closest to breaking up with my now-husband. It was when I found out that he watched porn. I remember sitting there, in shock. I literally could not think of anything worse."

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

#BecauseOfRHE (Tweet Roundup)

Rachel Held Evans, the Hugely Popular Christian Writer Who Challenged the Evangelical Establishment, Is Dead at 37

I can't believe it. Rachel was so important to so many of us. On hearing this awful news, we took to Twitter to mourn and honor her.

I've gathered a bunch of tweets here, to show how much of an impact she had, how many lives she changed. Ex-evangelicals, progressive Christians, queer Christians, female pastors, and so on. So many people tweeting about how much she meant to us.

And from me:


2024 update:


She was the first (Thank you, Rachel)
Link Roundup of Posts Honoring Rachel Held Evans

